Making children’s rights real

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Today, marks the launch of  ‘Social Justice, The Common Weal and Children and Young People in Scotland’, with the Jimmy Reid Foundation. Authors John Davis, Louise Hill, Kay Tisdall, Liam Cairns and Selwyn McCausland consider how to make Scotland the best place to grow up in.

The themes of the paper arose out of our consideration of the recent legislation passed through the Scottish Parliament “ The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. The rhetoric around the Bill was so promising, for those of us who support children’s rights and committed to improving children and young people’s lives in Scotland: the legislation was ‘landmark’ law, that would help ‘make rights real’ and make Scotland ‘the best place in the world to grow up’. But is the legisalation and accompanying policy radical enough to deliver on the promise?

Published via CRFR

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