Monthly Archives: November 2018

The distribution of student loans and grants: comparing the long-term financial impact of more targeted and more universal systems of student funding

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28 November, 12-1 pm (Conference room 2.15, Chrystal Macmillan Building) Lucy Hunter Blackburn (School of Education, University of Edinburgh)   The distribution of student loans and grants: comparing the long-term financial impact of more targeted and more universal systems of student funding Lucy is currently in the final year of a PhD  studying the relationship   …Continue Reading

Education, populism and civic virtue

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7 November 2018, 12-1 pm (Meeting Room 3, 311 Chrystal Macmillan Building) Lindsay Paterson (Social Policy, University of Edinburgh)   Education, populism and civic virtue A consistent finding of research on education’s civic effects is that it fosters liberalism, respect, tolerance, and social responsibility. Yet education has also, much more recently, been seen as a   …Continue Reading